Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Get a Passport for Singapore

Singapore has been mentioned in this blog a couple of times before. Ifty Haque wrote about Singapore being the "soft landing" in Asia and I posted a small photo collection of Singapore (I should really start doing those again), but recently, I've noticed that Singapore might be an easier way "out" for those looking at relocating permanently. Singapore is still the most competitive economy in Asia and while they are currently struggling a bit, just like everyone, the list of Singapore jobs is just incredible.

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The Singaporean economy is focused around five areas: electronics, chemicals, engineering, IT, and biomedical sciences, so if your background is there, you've an advantage. However, these are not the only areas of work available. If Singapore interests you, I suggest you start reading about Singapore job hunting strategies (note that those are four separate links) and then hit the many Singapore job sites (again, four links).

And how to get a passport?

Singapore River From Esplanade Bridge
Singapore River
Photo by Edwin Lee
First, you need to get a job. Once you have a job, save your wage slips because they're very important. You can use them to bolster the fact that you've not been illegal and then you can apply for permanent residency in Singapore after only six months! This is fantastic. Many other countries make you wait many years just for permanent residency, much less citizenship.

Once you are designated a Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR), you only need to wait two years before you can apply for citizenship in Singapore.

That's it. From start to finish, you could have a Singapore passport in as little as two and a half years. The food is fantastic, the official language is English and the economy is still going strong.

There's just one catch: Singapore does not recognize dual citizenship. Of course, once you have permanent residency, you may not find this to be a problem, but in the long run, it's something to consider.

And if you've heard the rumors that Singapore has banned chewing gum, they're true. Reading about why is interesting.


  1. The prospective of getting passport was among the reasons why I moved to Singapore last year, but now I'm looking to moving out. Being a great place it also has some drawbacks. It is rather expensive, you will generally see the same numbers on price tags here as in neighbouring Malaysia (S$1 ~ RM2.5), and it is even worse than it comes to housing. It is also very small, there's no such thing as "go out of the city", it is more like "go shopping" place ;)

    I didn't apply for PR, but I heard it is not that simple and it is better to wait a couple of years, the fact that you can apply doesn't mean they will approve.

  2. I'm certainly glad I don't chew gum.
