If this is your first time reading the survey, see also:
Starting off with the last US presidential vote, 63% of expats said they voted. This contrasts with 57% of the general US population voting.
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234 participants by voting in last presidential election |
However, only 27% voted in their last state election. This is unsurprising as many expats care about the direction of the US but they may find a less strong affiliation at the state level.
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233 participants by voting in last state election |
To my surprise, only13% of US expats felt politically close to the US, with a whopping 44% saying they didn't feel close at all. I've found US expats sometimes defending US policy and trying to be informal ambassadors of the US, so I expected that the "very close" percentage would be higher.
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234 participants by how they feel about how close they feel to the US |
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233 participants by how close they feel to their current country |
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234 participants by whether they have more economic opportunities outside the US |
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227 participants by US political party |
- 7 — None
- 5 — Independent
- 1 — Anarchocapitalist
- 1 — General leftism
- 1 — Independent (very left-leaning)
- 1 — None. All are corrupt.
- 1 — Reform party
- 1 — Somewhere between D and R
- 1 — They all suck
- 1 — They are all thieving war mongers. No plane hit WTC7.
- 1 — To vote is to support a failed system.
- 1 — Unsure
- 1 — Working Family
- 1 — depends
- 1 — liberal libertarian
If you're wondering why Republican representation appears to be so low abroad, here are a few thoughts. First, my survey is likely biased due to the readership. How that plays out, I can't say, but Republicans may be over- or under-represented here. However, I've also written about the difficulty of finding Republicans abroad. This point is hammered home by this old post from the Republicans Abroad Facebook page:
Even though the Republicans Abroad Facebook page hasn't had an update for six months (as of this writing), one person told me that Republicans Abroad actually has meetups in Paris, but that's the only significant activity I've heard of. My experience with Republicans abroad is that they generally moved abroad as part of a work transfer (banking, oil, etc.) or for love. After living outside the US for seven years, I can only recall three Republicans I've met abroad.
Of the Republicans who answered this survey, six were male and one was female. They generally lived in Europe with the exception of Thailand and Japan. One was agnostic, the rest were Christian (compared to only a quarter of the expats identifying as Christian). And their reasons for becoming an expat:
- Transferred abroad for your job
- Adventure
- Escape US politics
- Adventure
- Adventure
- To seek work
- Love
It's also possible that Republicans simply have little interest in online surveys or, perhaps, many Republicans are transferred abroad by their jobs and don't consider themselves to be expats. Who knows? It's a topic that I'm still trying to understand, but I'll add this one caveat: I've met a number of conservative Americans living outside the US, but there's a general level of disgust amongst them for the Republican party. It's entirely possible that they simply reject the moniker, though the general tone of comments made and my personal experience suggests that Republicans are simply less likely to move abroad and those who do sometimes start to lean more to the left.
Finally, we have the answers to how US expats feel about US politics and how the feel about their local politics. These are "free form" answers for which they can type in anything they want. The answers are generally depressing.
How US expats feel about US politics:
- Embarrassed
- Disappointed, deceived, betrayed
- U.S. politics is currently a joke.
- Dysfunctional, fragmented, hostile
- I hate politicians worldwide and they all pretty much make me sick.
- It's idiotic and I'm glad to be away from it.
- it's a mess. Until corporate money is out of politics I will try to avoid going home.
- Absolutely repulsive, both main parties are butting heads all the time. Never really accomplishing anything, just shutting each other down.
- Congress is a mess
- I do my best to ignore it, but even non-US news sources can't seem to stop talking about it.
- I'm rather ashamed of how polarized, arrogant, smallminded and self-centered the USA has become, politically speaking. I don't feel the US government represents me, or for that matter that it represents the majority of American people.
- Don't pay much attention to it.
- :(
- It's not improving. It's soundbites and catering to the lowest common denominator, with no real difference between the two major parties. The amount of money involved in US elections would be considered corruption anywhere else. It seems like American debates are very self-contained, without reference to the rest of the world.
- mother fuckers
- The Tea Party is an embarrassing disgrace to America.
- It's a joke
- Not very good. It seems hopeless that the Dems and Reps will ever learn to work together for the common good.
- Depressed. It seems so bitterly divided and ideological. Even my friends and family seem like they've drifted further from the center toward various fringes. Everyone blames each other for the current state of things, but don't seem to see the vitriol is the core of the problem. Cool heads and compromise are what's needed.
- They're part of the reason I left
- Apathetic
- Badly
- A total mess of people saying "I've got mine. Too bad for you."
- Excuse my language, but perhaps it'd be best to cut off all the cocksuckers' heads.
- I don't. To me, it's a bunch of politicians telling lies to people who want to hear lies. As someone who prefers to deal with reality, I don't waste my time reading the news about the US.
- crap
- It's a shitshow and only going to get worse. I wouldn't be surprised if they started rounding up leftists and putting them in camps like they did to the Japanese. But America was always right-wing and genocidal, so it would be nothing new.
- I think that US politics is a joke, and that Obama is sociopath who belongs in prison. Before I knew this about him, I voted for him the first time he ran for office.
- Completely nonsensical
- 2 parties, 1 set of beliefs.
- cess pool full of tea.
- I keep finding myself apologizing for the craziness in the US.
- Disgusted.
- More akin to professional wrestling than so-called "leaders of the free world".
- Frustrating
- Meh. Not the least bit interested. I see the highlights on telly I guess.
- Major train wreck. Please note that I did not vote in the last presidential election due to being disenfranchised by the state of mississippi- they refuse to send me ballots unless my lawyer requests them.
- It is just a mess...
- Awful. It's awful.
- I feel the US is totally ignoring the 7 million of us who live abroad, and I'm so thankful for HR 597, a bill to establish a commission in Americans abroad. However, we Yanks abroad are terrible about coming together and being one voice for our needs.
- It is a messed up system. It's embarrassing.
- Being abroad, it's like watching two children throw a temper tantrum. It disgusts me how the US portrays themselves to other countries. It really is a nation divided, and that will absolutely be their downfall. Rather than democrats and republicans working together to fix things and save the country as a whole, they're fighting over who has the biggest cajones. Ridiculous.
- A train wreck.
- It's fucking crazy.
- They are a disaster, but any one who tries to fool themselves it is better in Europe has not been reading the news. There are just as many whackjobs and idiots in power.
- It is a disaster ruled by the greater polarization of both parties, an inability and/or unwillingness to compromise, and the persecution of the poor and middle class by the rich through political donation.
- ugh.
- dysfunctional and scary
- Crazy. Arguing about non-issues and making everything a big deal without getting anything done. Shouldn't even be called 'politics', it's embarrassing.
- We're fucked.
- A complete disaster.
- If you've ever watched the South Park episode Giant Douche Vs. Turd Sandwich it explains how I feel. Also, I'm definitely feeling like renouncing my citizenship to the recent NSA scandals.
- I'm honestly totally disgusted by them. I do my best to keep up with the news but it's difficult to listen to what's happening.
- Let's just say I'm glad I'm here and not there.
- Gridlock
- Obama is a lying bitch.
- Myopic and delusional.
- An improvement from the former regeim but not where I would want it to be. Would like to see more progressive liberal reforms.
- What a mess
- Embarrassing
- It's a sh*tshow (excuse my French) In no other system in the world are there two parties so directly adjacent on the spectrum of political philosophy who are so adamant about not working with eachother. In Italian politics, you see Neo-Fascists working with Communist-leaning parties. In the US the Right Wing can't get along with the Slightly Less Right Wing. It's sickening.
- Indifferent
- frustrated
- They are insane, bought and paid for by corporate interests, and too far gone to change.
- Crazytown
- Insane.
- Garbage.
- Republicans are crazy
- Criminals bought out by corporate interests.
- Embarrassed.
- They suck, but politics suck in general.
- The government is a disaster and all of our elected officials should be ashamed of themselves. I will strangle anyone who votes for an incumbent in next year's elections.
- Run away
- Shit's fucked up, but if everyone who thinks that jumps ship, then nothing will ever change--that's democracy. This is why I am unwilling to give up my US citizenship and voting rights.
- I feel that they are selfish and arrogant. That the people in power currently believe that their actions have no consequences and that they are free to act without impunity.
- Not great, not as bad as people on reddit, and particularly on r/Iwantout like to act.
- I'm Embarrassed to be an American especially overseas. Because of the wars, NSA, lies, etc. I'm glad to see the libertarian movement is slowly gaining speed.
- Ugh.
- The two party system reigns supreme and isolates all others (by "others" I mean and an increasing number of young people). I'm hoping the downward spiral leads to revolution and/or true change. Maybe then I'll go back.
- Same shit, different day
- Disgusted. Each day I feel I made the right decision to leave and do not understand what is happening in the US. I feel bad for my family and friends which I left behind and worry how their lives will be impacted.
- Disdainful
- bad
- I actively avoid US politics. I obviously can't help running into news stories about the US, and when I do it makes me never want to return.
- Very dissatisfied and jaded. I don't think it's going to improve anytime soon, either.
- self-destructive
- It's a mess and it's embarrassing.
- Train wreak.
- Shit. Two-party system that just are one party (at the national level) that push private and corporate interests.
- It's embarrassing.
- It's soul-crushingly disappointing to see the juvenile tactics pulled by Tea Party Republicans in response to the Affordable Care Act.
- it's a mess
- It's a right fucking ballsup
- embarrassed by them.
- Disgusted. It's the only thing keeping me from moving back
- I think US politics are going down the drain
- Meh
- There are problems, but I don't thinkt he country is going to implode or anything like that. I expect it to be more or less the same (for better or worse) when I return.
- Bleh. No interest.
- Ashamed.
- Complete and utter shit. Our country is ran by greedy corporations with no thought to spare for the well being of the People.
- Very cynical
- Congress needs to be lined up and shot. In the legs, at least.
- It's a mess, but so are all these other areas. I think we're making good progress towards a more open society and one that includes those from all races. With the age of the internet, openness is becoming a hot topic in the US. I actually find states like Washington and California to be far more progressive than most of the Euro countries I've visited. Don't even get me started on Asian countries and their conservatism.
- suck
- The US is a basket case that can't agree on anything, even if it meant its existence depend on it (and it does).
- It's embarassing. The system is rigged to allow a choice between two parties who are equally bad for different reasons. People always point to China and India as examples of countries with serious political corruption, and they are, but the US has a significant problem of corruption at the very top. Lobbying is a bad idea, as is concentrating so much power at the federal level. Decentralized power makes it more expensive to fund corruption. also the current nonsense about Stazi era spy techniques and giving military tactics and equipment to Legal Enforcement Officers is disconcerting.
- Idiocracy.
- Idiocracy.
- eeek.
- So over it..
- Overall, frustrated and exasperated. Almost every step forward (what I consider "forward", at least) seems either matched by a step backward or challenged again by (can't help but say it) Tea Party Republicans.
- Both sides suck but I am liberal and I want my vote to count so I vote Democrat.
- Not enough time or room to go into this issue.
- Disaster and not enough people in that country care to take action
- The U.S. Has become a repressive country.
- A mess but at the point where changes might happen
- It is what it is.
- Like an outsider.... It's appalling.
- Upset, worried, disappointed
- Get rid of all the idiots in the Republican party
- The government is not working due to stand offs rather than governing. Obama cannot govern as he would like because of extreme republicans,
- Sick
- Disgusted
- What a mess.
- It's a clusterfuck.
- At the time of taking this survey, the Congress had just finished waging war against the Affordable Health Care Act, and anything else remotely related to President Obama. The resulting shutdown was disgraceful and irresponsible. Most of the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of the Republican party, whose members will do anything to trip up the Obama administration. I watch from afar and cannot believe the divisiveness and polarization in the US, with most of it spread by a large segment of the population that remains intentionally ignorant of the world at large. I am still very proud to be American, and I would never dream of renouncing my citizenship, but sometimes I scarcely recognize my country. It is very, very saddening at times.
- I am appalled by the polarization and lack of civility in US politics.
- It's based on the population being mostly uneducated and full of hate.
- Not to good!
- Broken!
- disaster
- *fart noises*
- Discouraged.
- It is a particularly low time in American politics. Americans have become so divided and agressive with those who don't think as they do. It also seems that Congress is not productive, and works harder for American corporations than for the well-being of the average American citizen. It is also time to limit the campaigning period for elections and money spent for such campaigns. In addition, it is time for the FDA to get serious about food inspections and labeling, and for Congress to stop enabling Monsanto. I could go on, but you get the picture.
- They're horrible.
- clusterf---K
- Pathetic.
- I'm glad Obama's in the White House. I'm disgusted with the Republicans, and with Wall Street, and big corporations that basically run things and pay their workers pennies. (McDonalds, supermarket chains, etc.)
- BS
- Embarrassingly disgraceful
- Ridiculously partisan and a bit too far to the right.
- It sickens me
- A discraceful mess.
- a complete mess
- Disappointed. It has become too polarized between the right and the left.
- worried
- US politics are dysfunctional and highly corrupt.
- right direction
- The health care situation in USA is dismal. I had three babies in Canada and the only cost was paying the parking meter overnight. In USA I hear a kid costs thousands of dollars.
- Hard to see my home country so bitterly and completely divided.
- The US' reputation is awful because of the policies instituted and followed by the past two presidential administrations.
- sickening
- I have not been following US politics all that closely in these years but I am always happier when there are democrats in the White House. I think that the US has it's problems, but there is hope for the future.
- Very depressed about the wrangling and unwillingness to seek solutions in common to the country's serious problems.
- Incredibly frustrated
- Make guns illegal
- It's a huge mess which needs to be cleaned up.
- Haters in american Government and racist in American politics.
- In a word: disgusted. There's not much more that can even be said.
- Ambivalent
- I do not know enough to make an informed statement about this topic.
- Dutch politics, and society as a whole, is *far* too racist. It feels like a socially acceptable version of Apartheid.
- the adults are running the show and doing the best they can
- Corrupt, incompetent thieves.
- Looking pretty bad right now as new Prime Minister (Tony Abbott) is confirming the worst of my fears about him.
- I am not pleased with the financially conservative bent of the current president, but she's at least a woman.
- Not too much better, to be honest. A little too politically correct to manage the country the way it should be. Loving the relative lack of gun violence, though. Good law system there.
- Not much better than US situation, however I don't have voting privileges and therefore don't worry too much about it.
- I don't really know the Swedish political landscape that well, but I have a generally positive impression from what I do know of it.
- This country has issues like everyone else, especially given the current unstable world climate. But I feel this country's government is held more accountable for its actions, and is likely more responsive because of that.
- Conflicted.
- Politics are influenced far too much by religion and there's also a rather insular view that comes from being economically powerful. I much prefer country #2 to country #3.
- bullies
- Headed in the same direction in the US.
- Not very good; The Netherlands seems to be becoming more like the USA all the time. But it's still a coalition government and parties realize they have to work together to make things work.
- Finland is a pretty homogeneous country so there isn't a lot of political drama. There seems to be a good deal of transparency, and the political discourse is mostly civil.
- They're part of the reason I want to be in a different section of this country!
- Apathetic
- Mixed
- No real leadership.
- Chile and the U.S. are remarkably similar in that there is a two-party control on that nation, and no matter which side you vote for nothing ever really changes for the better for poor or middle class.
- Fairly positive (at least, as positive as I feel about any government). The government mostly leaves people alone in their day-to-day lives, and I approve of that. There was a recent election of a new President, and there's some hope that we'll see some much-needed infrastructure projects starting. I'm also slightly positive on a personal level, since they want to improve the IT industry here, which may open up some opportunities for me.
- somewhat less crap
- Sadly gone way downhill since Mao's death, possibly beyond reform. China is steadily becoming imperialist, but while I don't support its turn down the capitalist road, I would side with China over my home country if it came down to it because the US is the number one force of destruction in the world today. I'm highly critical of Chinese politics, but not quite with the same angry dismissal I have of US politics.
- Have no knowledge of it.
- Not great, but more organized than the US
- Lots of tribalism.
- In total disarray.
- Disgusted.
- Corrupt and out of touch with working people.
- Slightly less frustrating
- Also meh. It's pretty ridiculous. I do rather enjoy watching the debates in the House of Lords. It amuses me to see a bunch of entitled people argue the fate of common people..
- Switzerland is great.
- I am not completely sure of all the current details of the Dutch government to be completely honest. I really am not a fan of politics.
- They have more than two parties, so that's a start.
- Ok, same as in the US
- I need to learn more about it. But in general, things seem to work well and to be in the interest of the people.
- All British and Scottish parties are retarded
- I've only been here a short time, so I don't know too much. It seems....quiet? I suppose. Like things are mostly just running along here unaided. I may be wrong, but that's my current interpretation.
- A train wreck.
- Retarded.
- Pretty shitty people hijacked Thatcher's funeral. I care what she did to Wales, but let her family grieve. Otherwise, Theresa May is a moron.
- also ugh.
- functional but closed to foreigners
- Good question. Corrupt as all hell but everybody's so used to politicians being useless that nobody pays any attention to the government at all. It's mostly people mud-slinging and passing laws without mentioning them.
- We're all fucked.
- Fully functional.
- Harper is just an idiot but not enough of one to mess too much up.
- The Czech Republic is very corrupt, also, and I know there are a lot of problems here too.
- It's a mess, but at least the average French liberal's political opinions align far better with my own opinions than what the average US democrat stands for. Also, in France it feels like some of those values are better realized here in the political system than all the posturing (and little results) that happen in the US.
- Seems like a good system, but it's rather complicated.
- Troubled between the royalists and the communists
- Don't care.
- Would like to get rid of the current regeim in the next election and replace it with a social democrat government (shift to the left).
- Less of a mess
- Even more embarrassing. Also potentially catastrophic for Kosovo.
- I am pretty uninformed.
- Indifferent
- dissappointed
- They are still politics, but there still seems to be accountability to the people, and flexibility for change.
- Likely as crazy town but with a distinct kimchi flavor
- Some bad points but overall a much better state.
- I don't know enough to comment - one perk of living abroad (easier to stay out of political puppet games).
- Much to learn, sad rightward shift.
- The same, but to a lesser extent. They are held more accountable.
- Better than the U.S.
- They suck.
- It seems to be going ok, they're about as obnoxious as any national government I guess.
- Storm in a teacup
- I don't like Merkel. I don't like how people like Merkel just because they think she's this nice motherly lady who's some expert leader. She's against extending rights to the LGBTQ community, she was complicit in the NSA's affairs until it affected her personally, she has called multiculturalism in Germany a failure... but she has this cult of personality; people call her "Mutti" (mama). It's really disappointing and I wish people would think a little more critically.
- Of course they are selfish, but they are not without knowing that their actions will have consequences for them and for the country that they govern.
- Shitty. Here for work, won't stay more than a year or a little bit more.
- I don't follow them closely. It's almost hopeles here. Lots of corruption. I'm sure their on the wrong path.
- Complicated but makes more sense.
- Italy is a non-issue as far as politics to me. I followed it when Beppe Grillo was active, but he was also the same as all the others.
- Corruption then, corruption now, corruption continues.
- The situation is also having difficulties, but as I do not have the right to vote, I do not focus too much on the politics.
- Neutral
- most things were better ten years ago, was worse two years ago and will probably be much better ten years from now
- It is still very complicated to me, I have only learned what they taught me in class. From what I understand, there are still many problems here and change is one of the things they have the hardest time with. I am sure when I find out more about it and get to know the language better, I will be disappointed, but I don't think I could ever be as disappointed as I am with America.
- I admittedly don't know enough as I should, but I don't really find any politicians or governments likable. I'd say that the German government is at least less corrupt than the US.
- corrupt
- It's pretty bad, but not as bad as the US. I just don't like our current PM, but overall the system seems to work.
- Also a train wreak.
- Don't know to much, but lots of bickering over petty things.
- Also, embarrassing.
- I don't feel I know enough about my current country's politics to give an informed response. From what I've heard of Shinzo Abe and the LDP, their return to power is unfortunate. While I'm definitely disillusioned about politics back home, I *do not* feel I'm running away from corruption by coming here. The grass is *never* greener, but it is different. I think I like this variety of different.
- also a mess
- Meh.
- horrified.
- 5% better than the US. Canadians are way more ignorant of their own politics than the states (if that's believable)
- China has a lot of room for improvement, no doubt. But as immigrants to the US believed in the US during the industrial revolution; I believe in China!
- Meh
- For the most part, I feel positively, but I also don't have an intimate understanding of the politics and understand that there are problems here as well.
- Bleh bleh bleh. Keep me out of it.
- Completely bewildered.
- It's not that best but it's sure as hell the lesser of two evils.
- I'm worried about it.
- On the verge of the unknown. It's a micro-state that relies heavily upon being a tax haven. They've now promised to release the names of those hiding money in their country, so people are expecting the banks to leave town. After that they'll have some industry, but losing half of your main source of jobs will def. hurt the local economy. Most Luxembourgish citizens work for the government and funds will soon dry up.
- Everywhere has their problems.
- The ruling party is too entrenched.
- Singapore's politics are very orderly. The country is so small the government is able to be very responsive. Corruptions seems quite low, probably in one part because the ruling family has significant financial resources already, and in another part because the island is so small and lacks any natural resources, there's little for large corporations to target. Elections seem to lack significant choice, but I'm actually inclined to agree with the ruling party's assertion that that is due to a lack of enough talent to produce multiple viable parties, and as such anyone with competent political skills tends to just join the ruling party rather than try to rock the boat by founding a new party.
- Not for me to judge. I'm a guest.
- Not for me to judge. I'm a guest.
- even worse
- Silly.
- I'm only just learning about the most current issues, but many seem to be very similar to the U.S. There's even a new bill here that would pretty dramatically affect collective bargaining and I found that quite interesting after signing petitions and voting in Ohio to prevent its legislative efforts to weaken unions. And the tension between environmental protection efforts and development is quite familiar as well.
- Both sides are terrible, imagine one side called The Tea Partiers and the other side called The Useless, ruining the country. Both sides are 20x more corrupt than in the US, which says much.
- It appears to be slowly starting to follow in the footsteps of the US/Capitalist model.
- Disaster but at least we can get 10% of the population marching on the street when the government starts to get really obnoxious
- Dysfunction.
- It is time for a shifting back of the current party's run.
- haha Czech politics are funny and and their drunk president is always good for a few laughs.
- Equally appalling.
- The government is living up to the low expectations I had, even beyond.
- Don't get me started
- The economic crisis is causing some return to racism, extreme conservatism, etc. the governement cannot function well due to world wide economic crisis caused by a few wealthy who have taken over the power all over the world due to deregulation rules. People feel helpless.
- Depressed
- France is even worse.
- It's also a clusterfuck.
- I voted for Hollande because I could not abide Sarkozy and his corruption, but I am disappointed by Hollande's lack of backbone.
- The political system encourages people to not want to be rich.
- Unhappy
- disaster
- *louder fart noises*
- Removed.
- While I consider myself to the left in the US, I feel like a mix of right and left in France. Despite my leftist sympathies, for most French socialists, I am not left enough. While I support many of the social and cultural programs in France and am very grateful for its healthcare program, I sometimes feel that leftists in France think that money grows on trees and that the philosophy should always be give, give, give to every cause, while the American practical side of me questions where that money is supposed to come from and how there will be enough to support those programs in the future. I also feel very American when it comes to the French habitual love of strikes. I think such strikes very often shoot their nation in the foot, wasting tons of money and inconveniencing everyone. In my own way, I feel very attached to both France and the US, and am not happy when the well-being of either nation is in jeopardy. I have not lived in Tunisia as long, but I appreciate the country and its people, and wish nothing but the very best for it, too.
- Much better than the U.S.
- don't like the government, but it's the best one we have
- More hopeful.
- I'm aligned most with the left (SP), but since I can't vote I'm basically powerless. (I'm only allowed to be in a "registered partnership," which has different rules than if I were married and in a heterosexual relationship.) When I met my partner it would not have been legal for her to stay in the US (I'm a woman), thus the move to Switzerland. that's recently changed, but seemingly only on a case-by-case basis.
- no idea
- Socialist mindset and of course doesn't work, even in tiny Finland.
- I feel it is going downhill fast.
- I don't really keep track of it
- Status quo.
- Horrible.
- a complete mess
- The Dutch medical and social welfare are moving to the levels of the US.
- disgusted
- There is plenty of room for improvement, but I believe the system is much more conducive to self correction than the US system. There is however, a bit too much collective government in Canada.
- wrong direction
- I would never borrow money from China to pay for my house mortgage. I do not understand why USA would borrow trillions of dollars to finance wars.
- Feel more positive about its multiparty system and its requirements that government representatives MUST compromise to get anything done.
- Simply awful. I do not see things getting better in the US in my lifetime.
- sickening
- I feel that Italy's politics ruin the country. There seems to be no hope for change here and people seem much more resigned to accept the corruption and political ridiculousness. I don't think there is much hope for the future of Italy politically or economically because things get bogged down in corruption and bureaucracy.
- Derisive. The French have their heads in the sand.
- Unimpressed, but less affected
- They made guns illegal. NHS. Welfare state. These are good things America won't have.
- It's a huge mess which needs to be cleaned up.
- Curing in some ways but money talks.
- Generally, we're happy with Sweden, enjoy the quirks some things can come with, but also really respect the system. Yes, the taxes are astronomical, but there's little question that it gets put to good use.
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